Twilight PD - AI in Education - Queensland Guidance Counselling Association
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Join us for a Twilight PD featuring Louka and William Parry from the Learning Future.

Louka Parry is the CEO and Founder of The Learning Future and works globally as a speaker, learning strategist and education futurist. William Parry is a creative producer, consulting researcher, business operations associate, and legal practitioner. He also has a background in technology, mechatronix, and sound composition for public documentary and video game studios. He edits and produces The Learning Future Podcast and The Future City Podcast for global audiences.

Louka and William will be sharing their knowledge and experience of Artificial Intelligence through demonstration. Implications within the education realm are far-reaching when we consider the capabilities of AI, some of which Louka and William will showcase. We as guidance officers/counsellors should be aware of the impact of AI for all educators and learners so that we are equipped to respond when required.

Please join us for this amazing opportunity to learn from an expert.

6pm – Drinks are available for purchase and nibbles will be provided while you connect with your colleagues.

7pm – Presentation begins, followed by a Q&A session (ending at approximately 8pm).

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