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What affiliations does QGCA have?

What affiliations does QGCA have?

QGCA is affiliated with Australian Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools (APACS). Members of QGCA are automatically members of APACS at the corresponding level of membership. I.e. an Associate member of QGCA is an Associate member of APACS.

QGCA is a foundation Member Association of the Career Industry Council of Australia.

Does QGCA have branches?

Does QGCA have branches?

QGCA does not currently have branches, although it encourages participation in Executive by country members.

How is QGCA governed?

How is QGCA governed?

The Queensland Guidance and Counselling Association (QGCA)  is governed by its constitution. The Executive Committee, elected at the Annual General Meeting, meets monthly.

If I have career development practitioner recorded on my QGCA membership records, what do I need to do to become a registered career development practitioner with the Career Industry Council of Australia?

If I have career development practitioner recorded on my QGCA membership records, what do I need to do to become a registered career development practitioner with the Career Industry Council of Australia?

Information about registration is available on the CICA website at https://cica.org.au/cica-registration/

Career Development Practitioners
What do I have to do to have career development practitioner recorded on my QGCA membership record?

What do I have to do to have career development practitioner recorded on my QGCA membership record?

When you join or renew your membership with QGCA, you can submit evidence that you have completed a CICA endorsed qualification. You will find a list of these courses on the CICA website. If you obtain a CICA endorsed qualification, you may send documentary evidence to the Membership Secretary to have Career Development Practitioner recorded on your membership records.

If you have career development practitioner recorded on your QGCA membership records, then you are eligible to register as a career development practitioner with CICA.

Career Development Practitioners
Why is QGCA a Member Association of the Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA)?

Why is QGCA a Member Association of the Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA)?

QGCA is a foundation Member Association of the Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA) because many QGCA members who work in secondary schools or TAFEs perform career guidance work. CICA is the peak body for the career industry in Australia and advocates for career development with government and other stakeholders and provides a united voice for career development. By being a Member Association of CICA, QGCA is kept up to date on national and international issues in career development and regularly distributes information from CICA to members via the newsletter, Connections. QGCA also provides input to CICA through its representative who is a member of the CICA Council.

Career Development Practitioners
Are there any resources available to members?

Are there any resources available to members?

Yes. The QGCA Executive is committed to providing resources to its members, especially those who live in rural and remote communities and may have limited access to professional development opportunities. QGCA Members have access to the following resources.

  • Quarterly National (APACS) electronic Newsletters
  • Approximately monthly QGCA electronic Newsletter – (Connections)
  • Online access to all past and present articles in the Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools (formally the Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling)
  • Members discount to the APACS National Conference, local seminars and workshops of partner organisations and QGCA run events
  • Access to a range of on-line resources via the QGCA and APACS websites
  • Quarterly twilight events to support the on-going professional development and networking of members
  • Access to the members area of the QGCA website for recorded and podcast professional development presentations, twilights and workshops
  • Sponsorship of professional development activities, conferences and National School Counselling Week and National Careers Week events
Member Benefits
Does QGCA provide advice on the availability of GO positions?

Does QGCA provide advice on the availability of GO positions?

The QGCA is a professional association which provides leadership and support in an educational guidance and counselling setting.

We are not an employing authority and as such, are not in a position to provide advice about available positions, courses, qualifications and experience deemed suitable for employment as a guidance officer across the various authorities.

The qualifications and experience vary from State to State and from each employing authority and institution.

Member Benefits
What are the benefits of joining QGCA?

What are the benefits of joining QGCA?

  • Membership of a professional association with relatively low fees which:
  • works for the professional development and welfare of members
  • provides training and professional development for members
  • actively lobbies on matters of professional interest and promotes the role with stakeholders such as the Education Minister, Directors General, Organisational leadership and school leadership teams
  • has members working in educational guidance and counselling in all levels of education and in state, independent and Catholic schools
  • Affiliation and links to National and International bodies such as the:
  • Psychologist and Counsellors in Schools Association (APACS), formerly the Australian Guidance and Counselling Association
  • Career Industry Council Australia (CICA)
  • International School Psychologists Association (ISPA)
  • Provides different grades of membership, Professional, Associate and Student, that allows suitable access to the resources and privileges of the association according to each member’s career stage
  • Quarterly National (APACS) electronic Newsletters
  • Approximately monthly QGCA electronic Newsletter – (Connections)
  • Online access to all past and present articles in the Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools (formally the Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling)
  • Members discount to the APACS National Conference, local seminars and workshops of partner organisations and QGCA run events
  • Access to a range of on-line resources via the QGCA and APACS websites
  • Quarterly twilight events to support the on-going professional development and networking of members
  • Access to the members area of the QGCA website for recorded and podcast professional development presentations, twilights and workshops
  • Sponsorship of professional development activities, conferences and National School Counselling Week and National Careers Week events
  • Opportunity for our members to have career development practitioner recorded on their membership records. This enables those members to apply to the Career Industry council of Australia for registration.
  • Opportunities to develop leadership skills by contributing to the work of the QGCA executive
Member Benefits
What happens to members who don’t comply with the Code of Ethics?

What happens to members who don’t comply with the Code of Ethics?

When a member becomes aware of possible unethical practices by another member, they should attempt to resolve the issue informally by bringing the behaviour of concern to the attention of the individual in a constructive manner. If informal efforts do not resolve the issue, other steps should be taken such as:

  • seeking professional supervision
  • utilising the channels established by the employer or employing organisation
  • discussing the issue with the supervisor of the member concerned
  • keeping documentation of all steps taken to resolve the issue

If the matter is unresolved, refer in writing to the QGCA President. QGCA may form an Ethical Conduct Sub-committee to review the reported ethical breach and ensure that the reporting member has attempted to resolve the alleged unethical practices.

QGCA does not endorse the lodging of trivial or vexatious ethical complaints against colleagues.
If a breach of the Code of Ethics is determined, educative processes could be implemented by the sub-committee to address the behaviour of the member concerned. Where the breach is extreme and/or cannot be resolved through educative processes, their QGCA membership may be terminated. All breaches of the Code of Ethics will be treated in a confidential manner by the Executive and the sub-committee, unless there is a legislative requirement to report to another authority.

Expectations of Members
What happens to members who don’t do enough professional development?

What happens to members who don’t do enough professional development?

Members who are audited and cannot provide evidence of having completed the required number of hours of CPD will be given an opportunity to obtain sufficient CPD hours. Professional membership of those who do not complete the required number of hours may be cancelled and the member advised that they may hold Associate Membership.

In the event of a member being unable to meet the professional development requirements to maintain their current membership due to serious long-term illness, extended leave or other exceptional circumstances, the Executive Committee may decide to vary this requirement for that member for a set period of time or offer the member an alternative category of membership.

Expectations of Members
Does QGCA check whether I have done enough professional development in a year?

Does QGCA check whether I have done enough professional development in a year?

YES. Each year QGCA conducts a CPD audit of 10 per cent of its Professional Members.

Career development practitioners

Professional Members who are also career development practitioners are required to undertake 15 hours of career development related CPD.

Expectations of Members
Does QGCA offer professional development to its members?

Does QGCA offer professional development to its members?

Yes. To support the on-going professional development and networking of members,

QGCA hosts quarterly twilight professional development events that are recorded and held in the Members-section of the QGCA website. It distributes an electronic newsletter (Connections) approximately monthly to members. It sponsors professional development activities, conferences and National School Counselling Week and National Careers Week events. Through its affiliation with APACS (Australian Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools), QGCA members have access to

  • Quarterly National (APACS) electronic Newsletters
  • Online access to all past and present articles in the Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools (formally the Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling)
  • Members discount to the APACS National Conference, local seminars and workshops of partner organisations and QGCA run events
  • Access to a range of on-line resources via the APACS website
Expectations of Members
What types of activities count as professional development?

What types of activities count as professional development?

Activities which can contribute to CPD hours include:

Conferences provided by relevant associations

  • Attending workshops/seminars
  • Facilitating/presenting workshops/seminars
  • Research/development for workshops or programs
  • Coursework/study
  • Relevant on-line or other web-based PD activity
  • Supervision – individual or group
  • Membership of committee of relevant educational associations
  • Attending professional information sessions at
    • University/TAFE visits
    • Industry visits
    • Agency visits
    • Forums
  • Professional reading
  • Writing professional journal articles or contributions to books
  • Reviewing a book or an article from a journal or authoritative internet site, or multimedia product, or PD event that you attended that is published in a professional journal or newsletter

Writing skill or knowledge development articles that are published in a professional journal or newsletter

Expectations of Members
How much professional development do I have to do every year?

How much professional development do I have to do every year?

Professional Members are required to participate in 15 hours of CPD to maintain their level of membership. Requirements are calculated on a pro rata basis for members who are on leave or who work part time.

Career Development Practitioners
Why are members expected to do continuing professional development (CPD)?

Why are members expected to do continuing professional development (CPD)?

As society changes, so too does the level of complexity of school guidance work. The theoretical and research evidence base supporting school guidance and counselling also continues to grow. It is not sufficient to rely on entry-level training throughout your career. In all fields, practitioners are expected to continue their learning and update their skills and knowledge. Therefore, QGCA members are expected to engage in continuing professional development (CPD). The QGCA Executive believes that the CPD requirement of membership will further strengthen the professionalism of school guidance and counselling.

Expectations of Members
Can I join APACS without joining QGCA?

Can I join APACS without joining QGCA?

No, APACS is the national professional association of all State and Territory associations that represent the interests of school psychologists, school counsellors and guidance officers working in educational settings with children and adolescents.

If I join QGCA, do I become a member of the Australian Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools (APACS)?

If I join QGCA, do I become a member of the Australian Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools (APACS)?

Yes, you automatically become a member of APACS when you join QGCA.

I have gained my qualifications overseas how can I determine whether my course is equivalent to an Australian Masters in Guidance and Counselling degree?

I have gained my qualifications overseas how can I determine whether my course is equivalent to an Australian Masters in Guidance and Counselling degree?

The Overseas Qualification Unit of the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training may be able to assist you to have your overseas qualifications assessed and recognised. The unit provides a free generic academic assessment that gives an indication of the general educational comparability in Australian terms.

Link to the website

Email oqu@desbt.qld.gov.au

I am an Associate Member. How do I upgrade to Professional Membership?

I am an Associate Member. How do I upgrade to Professional Membership?

If you are an Associate Member of QGCA, you can become a Professional member of QGCA if you

  • are currently registered as a teacher, and
  • have completed a course of post-graduate tertiary training which includes studies in educational guidance and counselling practices and is recognised by the Executive as suitable training for guidance and counselling duties, and
  • have performed duties recognised by the Executive Committee as quality guidance and counselling practices for a period equivalent to a minimum of twelve (12) months full-time,
  • OR have other training of an educational nature and/or practical guidance and counselling experience which the Executive Committee recognises as suitable for membership of the Association.

If you wish to upgrade your membership, please check the Membership section of the QGCA website for details on the documentation required.

What qualifications and experience do I need to join QGCA?

What qualifications and experience do I need to join QGCA?

Each level of Membership has its own criteria for approval by the QGCA Executive Board.

Professional Membership: Applicants must have teacher training and experience, completed a course of post-graduate tertiary training in guidance and counselling duties, and performed these duties recognised by the Executive as quality guidance and counselling practices for a period equivalent to a minimum of twelve (12) months full time. OR other training of an educational setting or practical guidance and counselling experience which the Executive Committee recognises as suitable for Membership of the Association.

Associate Membership: Persons who subscribe to the objects of the Association, and wish to receive publications and participate in Association activities but who are ineligible for Professional membership.

Student Membership: If enrolled in guidance and counselling courses receive 50% discount on the QGCA membership fee. Have no voting rights.

What levels of membership are there?

What levels of membership are there?

There are three (3) main levels of Membership: Professional, Associate and Student Members. See the next question for information about the qualifications and experience needed for each level of membership.

Who should join QGCA?

Who should join QGCA?

Guidance Officers and Counselling Professionals in Queensland schools and other educational settings from the State, Catholic and Independent schools are welcome to join QGCA. Students at University studying guidance and counselling are also most welcome to join.

What type of work do QGCA members do?

What type of work do QGCA members do?

Guidance professional’s tasks are needs based and responsive to the needs of the educational community, and may include:

Assessment and Intervention

  • Undertake educational and psychological assessment in child and adolescent development
  • Collaboratively plan and implement evidence-based interventions with school staff, other professionals, external agencies and families


  • Provide counselling, therapy and programs for individuals and groups
  • Address a range of personal, mental health, emotional and family issues to promote engagement in learning
  • Provide crisis counseling

Career Counselling

  • Contribute to the development and implementation of career development programs
  • Provide career counselling and guidance in subject selection
  • Understand the training provided by Registered Training Organisations and its integration within the curriculum offerings

Social, Mental Health and Wellbeing

  • Promote whole of school positive mental health and well being and early intervention programs
  • Respond to suicide ideation and refer to outside agencies
  • As part of the leadership team, respond to emergencies and critical incidents


  • Provide behaviour advice and support to students, families, teachers and principals
  • Assist with whole school and individual assessment plans and interventions to re-engage students in learning
  • Undertake Functional Behavior Assessments
  • Collaboratively develop crisis and risk management plans
  • Provide intensive individual and group parenting programs

Organisational Leadership

  • Actively contribute in various school leadership teams
  • Provide complex case management
  • Link and network with external agencies to provide ‘wrap around’ support for students and their families
  • Respond to and assist schools with the organisation of their response to critical and traumatic incidents
  • Provide advice and support to principals and staff regarding student protection   issues and liaise with relevant Queensland Government agencies
  • Gather and apply relevant data to inform evidence based practice
  • Collate and maintain student information and records of intervention to meet legislative and systemic requirements

Professional development

  • Deliverprofessional learning and information to build capacity of schools, staff and families to improve student learning, social, mental health and developmental outcomes
  • Provide professional development to schools in Student Protection, Code of Conduct and Students with Disabilities legislation and the risk management implications for schools
  • Provide professional development in mental health and wellbeing, building resilience, suicide prevention and intervention and grief and loss issues

About QCGA
What does QGCA do?

What does QGCA do?


  • contributes to excellence in education by promoting quality leadership in guidance and counselling practices.
  • promotes high ethical standards in the guidance and counselling profession.
  • provides effective, accessible and cost-effective professional support to members.
  • advocate for the guidance and counselling profession with stakeholders.
About QCGA
What is QGCA?

What is QGCA?

The Queensland Guidance and Counselling Association (QGCA) is the peak body representing guidance and counselling professionals in Queensland schools and other educational settings. With members from state, Catholic and independent schools the QGCA contributes to and endorses excellence in education by promoting quality leadership in guidance and counselling, high ethical standards and by providing effective, accessible and cost effective professional support to members and representation to employing bodies.

About QCGA
Does QGCA represent guidance officers and guidance counsellors from all education sectors?

Does QGCA represent guidance officers and guidance counsellors from all education sectors?

With members from state, Catholic and independent schools, QGCA represents guidance and counselling professionals in Queensland schools and educational settings.

About QCGA
Who does QGCA represent?

Who does QGCA represent?

QGCA represents guidance and counselling professionals in Queensland schools and other educational settings.

About QCGA
Where do QGCA members work?

Where do QGCA members work?

QGCA members works in state, Catholic or independent schools, in primary, secondary or tertiary educational settings. Most of our members work in Queensland, however QGCA also has interstate and international members.

About QCGA
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